Getting Started with Python on Heroku

This is a sample Python application deployed to Heroku. It's a reasonably simple app - but a good foundation for understanding how to get the most out of the Heroku platform.

Getting Started with Python Source on GitHub

How this sample app works

  • This app was deployed to Heroku, either using Git or by using Heroku Button on the repository.
  • When Heroku received the source code, it fetched all the dependencies in the requirements.txt file, creating a deployable slug.
  • The platform then spins up a dyno, a lightweight container that provides an isolated environment in which the slug can be mounted and executed.
  • You can scale your app, manage it, and deploy over 150 add-on services, from the Dashboard or CLI.

Next Steps

  • If you are following the Getting Started guide, then please head back to the tutorial and follow the next steps!
  • If you deployed this app by deploying the Heroku Button, then in a command line shell, run:
    • git clone - this will create a local copy of the source code for the app
    • cd python-getting-started - change directory into the local source code repository
    • heroku git:remote -a <your-app-name> - associate the Heroku app with the repository
    • You'll now be set up to run the app locally, or deploy changes to Heroku

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